Bob Bly, author of 90+ books and the man McGraw-Hill calls "America's top copywriter," shares with you the "missing link" to making gobs of money online by..
Building a Large and Profitable
Opt-In E-Mail List - Once Difficult,
Now Easy!
The key to making millions online is having a large opt-in e-list ... and if you don't, you need to build one - fast!
The good news is: Now you can -- quickly and easily. Read on for details and a special risk-free offer ...
Dear Online Marketer,
Are you an Internet multi-millionaire yet?
If not, relax.
There are only 3 simple things you really need to start making lots of money in Internet marketing -- fast:
- Products to sell.
- A large opt-in e-mail list of prospects and customers.
- A way to drive people on this list to your Web sites - and get them to buy what you are selling.
If you're like most Internet marketers I meet, you can create or source the products - step #1 -- easily enough.
Or, if you'd rather not bother with creating your own products, just sell other people's products as an affiliate.
As for step #3, sending e-mails and e-newsletters to your list can generate more than enough traffic for your online business.
And to convert your traffic to orders, all you need is to write and post a long-copy sales letter or "landing page" - like this one -- for each of your offers.
You can learn to do a competent job of that fairly quickly, or hire someone who can -- at very reasonable rates.
But the one missing ingredient of your Internet marketing success is requirement #2 - owning a large, opt-in e-mail list.
To succeed in Internet marketing, you need to build a large list of qualified prospects ... people who are interested in what you are selling ... and who spend money online.
These are people who have "opted in" to your e-list, meaning they joined it willingly ... and have given you permission to e-mail them.
Your opt-in e-mail list is your goldmine ... and the money is in the list.
But I'm guessing you either don't have a list yet.
Or if you do have a list, it's small - and you want to make it bigger.
And that's where my good friend Joel Christopher can help.
Known to the Internet marketing world as "the Master List Builder," Joel went from making zero on the Internet ... to being one of the foremost Internet marketing gurus in a few short years.
Within 36 months, he grew his own online subscriber base from zero ... to more than 120,000 prospects and customers.
Then, he designed his "Master List Builder System" to show other Internet marketers how to do the same.
Joel's system for building a large and profitable opt-in e-mail list ... and making lots of money online ... works.
I know, because I've spent a lot of time with Joel personally, recently participating in his weekend "funshop" on list-building.
What a great time we had! And all of the attendees, including me, walked away with a notebook crammed with dozens of new and incredible list-building ideas and resources.
At last, I felt I truly had "the keys to the kingdom" for unlocking the treasure chest of wealth available on the Internet.
(I already make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year as an Internet marketer, working only a few hours a week. But with Joel's techniques, I am on track to double or triple that within the next year!)
Now I want to share Joel Christopher's amazing wealth of Internet list-building knowledge with you. If you will let me.
Double or triple your Internet leads, sales, and profits!
In our program, How to Build a Large and Profitable Opt-In E-Mail List Quickly and Easily, Joel Christopher - and his team of master Internet marketers -
-- reveal how you can assemble your own list of 10,000 ... 50,000 ... even 100,000 or more opt-in names and e-mail addresses --
-- and start or jump-start your Internet marketing empire ... beginning in as little as 90 days!
In this professionally recorded DVD course, you will discover:
- How to build an opt-in e-mail list of 100,000 names in just 99 days.
- The most powerful tool ever devised for capturing e-mail addresses -- and getting them to opt into your list.
- Free program lets visitors to your Web sites tell their friends about you at the click of a button.
- Pay-per-click (PPC) ad campaign drives traffic to your site and builds your list within a few hours. Investment: just $250.
- 5 steps to become outrageously rich from your Internet marketing.
- Why you need to get new subscribers to opt into your list twice up front, not just once. Warning: if you have to get the second opt-in later, you’ll lose thousands of names.
- How to triple your Internet leads, sales, and profits -- in less than 4 months.
- Quick and easy automated tool lets millions of Internet users know about your free e-newsletter.
- Create a terrific “squeeze page” – a vital tool in your list-building campaign – for just one dollar!
- Get other e-zine publishers to drive traffic to your Web sites and help you build your list … without paying for ads in their newsletters.
- How an auto-responder can convert 10% to 30% more of the “freebie” seekers on your e-list in to paying customers.
- Launch your Internet business on a shoestring, even if you have no money and no credit.
- How to convert up to half the visitors to your Web page into subscribers on your opt-in e-mail list.
- The secret for getting top Internet marketers with large, responsive lists to partner with you and help you build your own e-list.
- Instantly create your first product to sell online -- without paying a dime for it.
- Does online advertising pay off when building your list? The answer may surprise you.
- Little-known “trick” gets one out of ten of your customers to promote your Web site to their friends and colleagues.
- Create compelling headlines for all your sites and Web pages with ease -- even if you can’t write to save your life or afford to hire a copywriter.
- Master the “3 C’s” of listing building to make your fortune online.
- How to “hire” the world’s best Internet marketers to help you build your list – for free.
- Don’t have a Web site to drive traffic to when building your list? Send them to this special kind of blog instead. And you can put it online for free!
- What Drew Barrymore can teach you about becoming a rich and famous marketing maven.
- Generate new names for your e-list on MySpace. One hairdresser used this technique to get 25 customers per day!
- Buy clicks online for 1/10th or less what Google charges – as little as a nickel per click.
- How to make your online fortune with “piggyback marketing.” It’s so easy, it should be illegal … but it’s not.
- Proven methods for recruiting affiliates who proactively promote you to their own lists.
- Why it may pay you to give your affiliates a much higher commission than other marketers offer them … as crazy as that sounds!
- Building online riches with offline networking. Solve your Internet marketing challenges for the price of a steak dinner!
- Is attending Internet marketing conferences an enormous waste of your time and money? The shocking truth about high-priced boot camps.
- How to get other Internet marketers to give you their content to use as bonuses in your own marketing – for free!
- Leveraging pre-existing traffic and subscriber lists to build your own opt-in e-mail list.
- Why you should never tell people you are an Internet “newbie” – even if you are one.
- Get famous people to endorse you online – without paying them a fee.
- How to legally “steal” the business models of Internet marketers who are already profitable and successful. Why re-invent the wheel then you don’t have to?
- There are some terrific sources of free traffic online. Do you know where to find them?
- How to create online “buzz” that gets new people to sign up for your e-list in droves.
- And so much more…
Invite the "Who's Who" of Internet marketing into your living room for a private "chat."
To create How to Build a Large E-List, Joel Christopher assembled a stellar cast of Internet marketing superstars – and you’ll meet them all on these DVDs:
- Chuck Daniels … ex-Microsoft tech whiz and the guru in selling “big ticket” ($1,000+ price tag) online.
- Terry Dean … legendary Internet marketer who became a self-made multi-millionaire at an age where most of us are still figuring out what we want to do with our lives.
- Mike Ambrosio … successful Internet marketing entrepreneur and leading authority in affiliate marketing.
- Mike Filsaime … his specialty is building huge lists at virtually no cost with viral marketing.
- Jason Oman … “Mr. Monetize,” he shows Internet marketers who have built lists how to convert those names to revenues and profits.
- Dr. Richard Krawczyk … our resident expert in co-registration marketing.
- Socrates Socratous … his trick is using eBay as a list-builder and lead generator.
- And others….
Collectively, these guys have made many countless millions of dollars online ... so much money that it's hard to keep track.
Now they share their money-making Internet marketing and list-building secrets with you ... as if they were sitting with you right in your own living room!
Praise for Joel Christopher,
the "Master List Builder"
How to Build a Large and Profitable Opt-In E-Mail List Quickly and Easily has been professionally recorded on 2 long-playing DVDs (with an extra bonus CD included at no cost; see my P.S. for details). You can absorb the entire program … in a few pleasant hours … watching it on your TV screen. It’s that easy!
Here’s what people are saying about Joel Christopher -- the Master List Builder -- and his breakthrough list-building system …
“Joel Christopher is the list-building king on the Internet. I 100% endorse him as a resource to help you reach your Internet goals and dreams."
--Mike Litman, co-author, Conversations with Millionaires
“I sat in on Joel’s list-building class and I have to say he was incredible. Everything he taught was right on the money … and he has put together many of the best list-building strategies into one easy-to-follow system.”
--Terry Dean
“If building your list is the most important thing you can do to ensure you earn Internet money on demand, you don’t want to miss Joel Christopher.”
--Ted Ciuba
"It's like I've had my eyes opened to the Holy Grail of making money! Because now I can see so clearly that the money is in the list."
--Michael Parsons
"With Joel's coaching, I went from 2 subscribers to about 30,000 opt-in names and growing."
--George Callens
But wait! There's more...
Part I of How to Build a Large E-List is the DVD set I've described above.
Part II of the program is an 85-page research report that gives detailed instructions on how to implement every list-building strategy discussed on the DVD set - plus many others that were mentioned only in passing or not at all.
In this report, you get every tool and technique you need to double or triple the size of your e-list this year.
- How to plant an amazingly effective list-building mechanism in every page on your web site. Page 60.
- It’s absolutely the most powerful – and popular – offer for building e-lists on the Internet. See page 9.
- The 10 commandments of e-list building. Ignore them at your peril. Starts on page 22.
- Why every Internet marketer who wants to build a large and profitable e-list should write and give away free articles by the boatload. Page 11.
- How to grow your subscriber list through “co-registration” deals. I just added 5,000 new names to my list for only 65 cents a name with this co-registration strategy. Page 23.
- 3 reasons why people unsubscribe from your e-list – and how to stop more of them from leaving you. Page 32.
- Perry Marshall’s profitable pay-per-click advertising secrets. Page 15.
- 5 techniques for capturing the e-mail addresses of people who visit your Web site or landing page but don’t order your products. Page 79.
- How Scott Martineau of ConsciousOne built a highly profitable e-list of more than 600,000 members through “viral videos.” Page 48.
- Build your e-list by writing articles - and then giving them away for free. Page 12.
- 11 proven ways to get more traffic to your Web site. Page 77.
- How to squeeze more sign-ups out of your traffic with “name squeeze pages.” Page 17.
- The 7 list-building strategies that enabled Alexandria K. Brown – the “E-Zine Queen” – become a rich and successful Internet marketer. Page 41.
- Let your Joint Venture partners build your e-list for you ... for free! Page 13.
- Add thousands of new names through polls and surveys. Page 21.
- And many more….
Although it takes a few days to ship the DVDs to you, How to Double Your E-List is an e-book and can be downloaded in seconds. Just click below now to get your copy:
Use it risk-free for 90 days
That’s right. If How to Build a Large and Profitable Opt-In E-List doesn’t add thousands of new opt-in names to your e-list …
Or you are dissatisfied for any other reason … or for no reason at all … just return all the DVDs to me (as well as the bonus CD) within 90 days.
Please note: The Manual is a downloadable PDF document. If you request a refund, I will ask you to erase it from your hard drive … and either return the print-out to me OR dispose of it. Of course, I have no way of checking up on this – but I trust you.
When you’ve done all that, I’ll refund your $77 payment in full. No questions asked. That way, you risk nothing.
So, what are you waiting for?
In 90 days or sooner, you could be on your way to becoming a major “player” in the Internet marketing world.
Imagine the difference that will make in your life:
- The larger the list, the greater your Internet revenues. You'll generate "passive income" of $1,000 ... $4,000 ... even $10,000 -- every single week - without even getting out of bed, if you don't want to.
- With an income like that, you'll be able to quit your job, escape the rat race, and achieve total financial independence.
- You'll start to build a substantial net worth ... and finally be able to afford all the things you want: a new car ... new house ... second home ... nice vacations ... tuition at any college your kids want to attend.
- Work at home in your robe and slippers. No more boss. No more commuting. No more wearing a suit and tie.
- Big Internet marketers will come knocking on your door - offering to do lucrative joint venture deals with you.
Or, you could be no further along toward your goal of escaping your 9 to 5 job - and enjoying the millionaire Internet marketer's lifestyle.
It's entirely up to you.
So what are you waiting for?
To order How to Build a Large and Profitable E-List on a 90-day risk-free trial basis, just click below now:
Bob Bly
P.S. Quick-Response Bonus! Order How to Build a Large and Profitable Opt-In E-Mail List Quickly and Easily DVDs today and you get 2 FREE Bonus Gifts:
** Free Bonus Gift #1: Christopher and Bly on Copywriting CD (list price: $20) … during a recent tele-seminar, Joel Christopher interviewed me for a full hour about my techniques for writing winning Internet copy.
Topics we covered include the 5-step “motivating sequence” for persuasive writing … whether to write your own copy or hire a copywriter … Michael Masterson’s “4-legged stool formula” for writing a winning promotion … overcoming skepticism with “early proof” … critical differences between online and offline copywriting … and more.
** Free Bonus Gift #2: Online Marketing That Works (list price: $29) … this 47-page special report reveals:
- 10 critical steps to online marketing success (list-building is only one of the ten). Page 3.
- 8 affordable ways to drive traffic to your Web site. Page 12.
- 27 tips for writing kick-butt e-mail marketing messages. Page 33.
- Optimize your web copy to increase search engine rankings. Page 51.
- How to help search engines find your Web sites. Page 18.
- Creating an auto-responder e-mail series to convert free subscribers into paid customers. Page 27.
- What works best in e-mail marketing – long or short copy? Page 21.
- How to write, design, and publish your own free e-newsletter as a list-building tool. Page 9.
- Double or triple your landing page conversion rates with "Taguchi Testing." Page 48.
- And more.
The combined value of these bonuses is $49. But they’re yours FREE when you order How to Build a Large and Profitable E-List on a 90-day risk-free trial basis today.
To order How to Build a Large and Profitable E-List … and get your 2 FREE Bonus Gifts … just click below now:
About Bob Bly

Bob Bly is a full-time freelance copywriter specializing in direct marketing. He earns more than $600,000 a year from his writing, speaking, and consulting, and became a self-made multi-millionaire while still in his 30s.
A copywriter for more than a quarter of a century, Bob has written promotions for over 100 clients including Phillips, Agora, KCI, 21st Century, Weiss Research, EBI Medical Systems, Sony, IBM, AT&T, Grumman, Crain Communications, McGraw-Hill, Intuit, and AlliedSignal.
Bob is the author of 70 books including The Copywriter's Handbook (Henry Holt) and Business-to-Business Direct Marketing (NTC Business Books). He has published more than 100 articles in such publications as Successful Meetings, Direct, Business Marketing, Writer's Digest, and Amtrak Express.
His monthly e-zine, The Direct Response Letter, has over 45,000 subscribers and generates over $4,000 a week in net passive income.
Bob's writing awards include a Gold Echo from the Direct Marketing Association, an IMMY from the Information Industry Association, two Southstar Awards, an American Corporate Identity Award of Excellence, and the Standard of Excellence award from the Web Marketing Association. He also taught marketing at New York University.
Bob has appeared as a guest on dozens of TV and radio shows including The Advertising Show, Bernard Meltzer, CNBC, and CBS Hard Copy. He has been featured in major media ranging from the LA Times and Nation's Business to the New York Post and the National Enquirer. He was a featured speaker at the 2006 annual conference of the National Speakers Association.
What they say about Bob Bly 's copy and counsel
"Good things are happening. I am getting a steady stream of Trial and Demo requests from the new site. These requestors are filling out the entire contact form. The site is simpler now, and I am still working to make it even more so. I appreciate your work."
-Jim Romano, DataForceOne
"Thank you so much for your wonderful work. It has been a pleasure working with you and I look forward to working with you on another project in the near future. You were always available, quick to answer questions and always exceeded my expectations. You truly are a gifted writer."
-Aaron Griffith, The Griffith
"Bob, again thanks for the great copy. You consistently help us reach customers with compelling, actionable content, when others just can't!"
-William McElleney, IBM
"The feedback keeps coming in and we all agree yours was a truly helpful, useful, insightful and effective workshop. You did a fantastic job inspiring the troops and we've already begun applying some of the key learnings."
-Paul Connors, Copywriting Manager, A large financial services company in the Chicago area
"Bob...your creative work, patience, and 'partnership' with us at IT Group has virtually propelled us to another level of business professionalism and recognition. The response we've received from your letters has been nothing short of tremendous. We've not only derived significant business from these unforgettable mailings--your efforts have sparked a creative energy within our ranks which will assist us in years to come. Thanks for your guidance and counsel."
-John A. Fallone, IT Group International
"I hired Bob on his reputation, and found it is well-deserved. His fact-finding process in preparation to write our copy was both painless and enlightening. The final deliverables were right on time as promised, and better than expected - which is saying a lot because my expectations were high. The first time I read his copy for our project, I literally got chills down my back - he nailed it the first time. Wow."
-Dennis Rosenberg, VP Marketing, VNUS Medical Technologies, Inc.
"Bob Bly did an amazing job with our company brochure. We are very impressed with his capacity to learn our product and to write copy so clearly and pointedly. Bob Bly is a great marketing investment."
-Michael Manoussos, Manhole Barrier Systems
"Great white paper! I'm in favor of the entire submission. Please congratulate Bob on a great effort."
-Michael C. Howard, Chasm Recovery
"Your Tax Loopholes ad looked great and is performing very well. Thanks for the strong copy."
-Brian Kurtz, Boardroom
"You did an excellent job. It's been a pleasure working with you on this project."
-Edward Brunet, Decatur Professional Development, LLC
"Thank you very, very much for doing such a great job on the ad. I was one of those folks who would read the ads in the DAK catalog by Drew Kaplan and this was as enjoyable for me as that."
-Chris Pickering, MeritDirect
"Bob . . . Just got the copy and advertisement you did for my new book . . . It's great! You are good! Great job . . . you have tremendous insights into what excites and what sells!"
-Don Libey, Libey Incorporated
"In my opinion, you are the best copywriter in the software industry."
-Judy MacDonald, Director of Marketing, Direct Response
"When I received the piece, I thought, I'll have to skim over it now and read it later. But, once I started, I couldn't stop! You did a GREAT job with Ken's story. I love it. It kept me reading. I'm VERY pleased with it."
-Craig Simpson, Ken Roberts Company
"Bob, It's been a pleasure to work with you!!! Thank you so much! I'm very happy with the copy; I feel it will give me good results."
-Alejandra P. Bigai, Romanicos Chocolate
"Thanks again for a great job."
-Davis Ross, Ross Advertising
"I just wanted to thank you again for the excellent work you did for us. You are the man and I can't tell you how much I admired your approach and service. Although I've never worked with a copywriter before, I think you set the standard pretty high. I look forward to working with you again. You certainly have my vote for the next round!"
-DP Jovine, Tycoon Research
"Great job - I'm always amazed at how you can boil the complex down into simple terms. It flows very well."
-Kyle Hodgens, Capital Financial Media
"Thank you for the copy. I see why you're the expert. It's so simple, it's brilliant."
-Sau Hyoung Pak, Big Machine
"The radio spots are very well done. I am very impressed with your work and copywriting expertise. We will be making the changes to the print ad as you suggested. In the future we may work with you to design a totally new print ad. Again I'd like to say I'm impressed with your services. You were prompt, informative, and definitely know your stuff. We will be recommending you to others and doing repeat business."
-Joshua Andrews, Health Solutions, LLC
"When people get to the promotion, the promotion has a good conversion rate. In one test, it actually had a 14% conversion to sale... can't ask for much better than that."
-David Galland, Casey Research
"I loved the ad! I don't see any reason for revision so I have already put through a check request for the balance I owe you on the ad. We are very excited about this one. I can't wait to see how it does. Thanks so much!"
-Alice Wessendorf, Agora Health Book
"I show off the work that we did on lead generation for negotiation -- as well as the conversion program from HMCL -- as big successes."
-Paul Szymanski, Harvard Business School Publishing
"Thank you for being very instrumental on making the launch of the wealth management book such a resounding success. It was so successful that we had to request more copies."
-Ingrid Boney, II
"Thanks, Bob! You are awesome to work with."
-Matt Morsa, Stock Secrets, Inc.
"I've spoken to a thousand copywriters over the years and Bob Bly is the best. He knows what he's doing."
-Joe Culotta, Natural Medicine Co.
"I am happy to report to you that your piece out produced the 4 other packages we tested against it. I want to talk to you about another project...."
-Nick Roumi, Pacific Coast Funding
"This is an outstanding letter. Really nice work!"
-Paul Szymanski, Harvard Business School Publishing
"Like the package ... the tone ... I think it's excellent."
-Bill Caskey, Caskey Sales Achievement
"We are very pleased with your copy approach because your copy seems to speak to the neurologist better than the copy in previous promotions. Moreover, your copy presses the sell better and more effectively. I really value your direct marketing copy capabilities and I'm thrilled to have you working with MedLink."
-Jim Chacona, MedLink
"Just wanted to take a moment to sincerely thank you for the hard work and energy you've poured into the Sinatra product package. You are a joy to work with."
-Gail Diggs, Phillips Health
"Thanks again. you did a great job."
-Caleb Cherry, Capital Financial Media
"You are a genius! I rarely love copy this much from the get-go. You hit it on the head!"
-Sara Pond, Nightingale-Conant
"The original ad insert of 'Wall Street's Loss is Your Gain' continues to kick butt -- pulls 12 to 15 subscriptions a week. Not bad for a $500 investment made 5 months ago."
-Charles Mizrahi, Stealth Stocks
"As a marketing professional, for 17 years I wrote my own promotional material. But I am not a professional copywriter. It wasn't until I took my own advice that I started getting the results I deserved. With Bob Bly, I got what I wanted - in the promised time frame - with re-writes - and the results I wanted. Thanks Bob!"
-Mark Amtower, Amtower & Company
"I found your ad copy compelling, powerful...even entertaining. You really communicated the 'feel' of the message we are selling. Thanks for such great work, Bob!"
-Ashley Earnhardt Aiken, Thomas Nelson Publishers
"Bob wrote the most ballsy ad in the history of Dynamic Changes and it set sales records this fall. People couldn't stop themselves from responding."
-Richard Scheffren, Dynamic Changes Hypnosis
"Last year you did all the copy on the What Would Jesus Eat brochure. It was wonderful and I believe is one of the reasons that the book continues to do so very well."
-Pamela Clements, Thomas Nelson Publishers
"Your work for me is outstanding."
-Thomas Massie, BRIDGELINE Software
"Your copy looks great. Thank you for the great job. I want you to know that one of the things I'm grateful for this year is meeting you and developing a relationship which is beneficial to both of us."
-Jack McDonough, U.S. Tax Corporation
"A special thanks to Bob for doing a superb job and making this work so well. I felt like a brilliant puppet in your hands."
-Michael Masterson, AWAI
"Even though he refuses to admit it, Bob is THE Direct Marketing guru...or, at the very least, he's mine."
-Jill Perri, American Consultants League
"Great copy! I love it!"
-Marlene Jensen, The Newsletter Group
"You've done great work with this package. I'm sure it wasn't easy doing all of the research to get all of the facts you've assembled. I learned things reading this package and I think for tech investors, this level of detail and fact finding provides a lot of credibility. I think it's a winner."
-Porter Stansberry, Porter Stansberry's Investment Advisory
"The postcard copy is super!"
-Gary Yondol, Media Planet
"Bob's ad is doing great!"
-Kusko, Dynamic Changes Hypnosis
"Thanks Bob. I appreciate all your work."
-Paul Goldberg, PJ Promotions
"I am thrilled with your package, it is doing great - will roll out as the control."
-Chris Gast, Intuit
"Your package for AWAI's desktop design course won the test, outperforming our other package by over 50%."
-Katie Yeakle, AWAI
"Just wanted to let you know that as of today we have a 13.5% response (orders, not just click-throughs) for Stealth Stocks from the e-mail you wrote for us."
-Gary Mizrahi, Stealth Stock
"Great job on the Turnaround Report; it's been a huge success. We've had an incredible product launch, with hundreds of free trials in the first week."
-Marc Stockman,
"We received the letter. Our first and probably lasting impression is great. Paul is usually very skeptical but he really likes it. I know we want to stick with the first impression. It looks like it may be perfect. We are very impressed."
-Frank Lardino, Investors Alliance
"Your copy was right on target and played a major role in one of our most successful new product launches."
-Joan Damico, GretagMacbeth
"Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed working with you and reading your manuscripts of Bits and Pieces for Salespeople. You certainly knew what the readers wanted since it showed in the circulation figures."
-Joyce Restaino, Economics Press
"We're still running both projects you did for us last time. They're still pulling. Great stuff."
-John Leper, Stanford International
"I am excited about the brochure ... just sent it off to the printer. Thanks for all your hard work."
-Lori Hooven, Thomas Nelson Publishing
"This is great. It's amazing the difference of this and what we receive from our agency. Thanks for the quick turnaround."
-Chris Weasmer, IBM
"Thank you for you recent contributions to the past couple of projects. Your efficiency and valuable insight has really helped each project to run smoothly ... and of course, has made my job much easier. It seems our clients have been just as pleased."
-Celine Goget, Fourth Avenue Marketing
"The first four times your half-page, 2-color ad ran in Chemical Engineering it was the highest inquiry generating ad in the magazine. It even outscored full pages and spreads."
-Bob Berner, Robert K. Berner Associates
"Thanks Bob. Wonderful press release. I knew you'd have fun with this one."
-Joy Contreras, Edith Roman Associates
"Thank you very much for the invaluable advice on our mailing piece. We found your ideas helpful and stimulating, [and] have been able to integrate nearly all of your suggestions into the piece."
-Greg Richey, U.S. Capital Resources
"We still are using [the package you did for us]. It still beats all challengers to the control."
-Mark Friedman, Medical Economics
"I appreciate your consulting efforts. You've made our messages sharper."
-Gloria Anderson, The New York Times Syndicate
"Thanks for the great work you did on the pages for the Web site."
-Steven Cwiak, SRW Technologies
"Your Growth Stock Winners insert pulled a 2.32% response. I was very pleased."
-Abbe Pascal, KCI
Thanks for a terrific job."
-Marc Russman, IBM
"Thanks for your copy on this effort for our client. They were extremely pleased, as were we."
-Bob Young, Sefton Associates
"Thanks so much for the great copy."
-Judy MacDonald, CrossWind Technologies
"Thank you for all your comments on our brochure. It now seems to talk more directly at our audience and get their attention with copy that will get them thinking and acting on our offer."
-Paul Lichtman, Sensory Computer Systems
"My initial mailing was 1,677 letters into 31 states for a 3.28% rate of response. That rate is terrific."
-Dick Barry, Management Consultant
"Many thanks for all your help. Great job! We will of course be coming to you in the new year for further work."
-Jonathan Andresen, Nortel Networks
"As of Friday, we have received 137 responses in less than three weeks ... I believe we have thus far met your prediction. Again, thanks for your help."
-Franchise Manager, Micell
"We are all real happy with your sales letter. Thanks for a great job! Your copy was very much appreciated by everyone."
-Rick Billington, SouthBridge Village
"The difficulty has been crafting a message that would appeal to business who are in different stages without sounding too broad or too narrow. You've been a great help in getting us to this goal. You hit the key points we were concerned with right on the head."
-Bob Serling, Informa
"Thanks so much for all of your good and timely work. The client loves the way the brochures have been written, and so do I."
-Joanne Bastane, Paramount Advertising
"I just want to say again that I thoroughly enjoyed working with you. You are a pleasure to deal with, especially given the pressure you were under and frankly, you personify the word professional. Thank you."
-Mary Kostyk, Boardroom Inc.
"I have relied on Bob Bly's marketing advice for the past several years. In the area of business-to-business direct marketing he is truly creative and insightful. I recommend him highly."
-Nancy Pascal, Marketing Director, H.B. Pascal & Co.
"Bob, finally remembered to send you a sample of your great work. Check this out -- wow!"
-Tom Guy, IBM Advanced Business Institute
"I've been around this industry long enough to know that I got seriously lucky to have chosen Bob to work with. Professional 100 percent of the time... just like I like it! I'll pass on winning the lottery... Bob was just that."
-Eric Yauerbaum, Jericho Communications
"Thanks for all your efforts with the September brochure. The copy is strong and compelling. Final layout is attached and it looks wonderful! Again - thanks for everything."
-Marion J. Atwater, Program Director, IBM Palisades
"You did a great job with this package. We're very happy with how it turned out and how quickly it came together."
-Karen Reddel, Agora Health Publishing
"It's perfect! And I wanted to thank you for quickly turning around the revisions. I'm thrilled to say we're right on schedule for the June 8th mailing. It was a pleasure working with you."
-Anne Kelley, Agora Health Books
"I would like to thank you for an amazing job of researching, understanding, and implementing a strong direct mail piece for Engineered Software. I am very impressed."
-Justin Johnson, Engineered Software
Thanks for all your great work!"
-Barbara Griffin, IBM Advanced Business Institute